18 de julio de 2008

Veni, vidi, video # 015 Morrisey

I wish we were some conflicted teen-agers again
helding the boredom of long Sundays evenings,
waiting for the school to come to hunt us
after the dusk glued us at home, hopeless

Yes, tomorrow morning...

In a conflict with the paper we didn't do,
the one we were supposed to do on Friday
the one we won't ever do.

The shops are closed, nothing for us today;
hiding their guts behind amateur graffitis

At Iaia's until fiveish
We so want to go out 

to that club we heard
But we're stuck on a Sunday evening, 
and we're not supposed to enjoy it
not because we are religious, but because we are broke

We are so cool Ale, we could convert the street into that stupid club
We could convert our own rooms into that stupid club
We could convert ourselves into that stupid club

Let's play some music Ale...
Let's turn off the lights,  and go...

Previously in VideoViernes: Flight of the Conchords, Humans are Dead

4 comentarios:

Lover Of An Art Lover dijo...

Uf! No se que decir... Le estaremos viendo mañana por la tarde, tras Siouxsie... esto va a romper los nervios de cualquiera!

Anónimo dijo...

esto se está poniendo bravo...

quiero una remera como la que tiene él al final!

Anónimo dijo...

uyuyuyuy!!!!!! GRACIAS AMIGA, me hiciste revivir viejos buenos momentos.

Francis dijo...

pense q tu blog estaba en frances