30 de enero de 2009

Veni, vidi, video # 043 The Bangles
Maniac Monday

Con The Bangles cierra VideoViernes de enero featuring “Lunes”. Además de contener la palabra lunes en su título, todas fueron en algún momento mis favoritas.

Previously in VideoViernes: Duran Duran, New Moon on Monday

24 de enero de 2009

Veni, vidi, video # 042 Duran Duran
New Moon on Monday

Trabajando el fin de semana... Mucho... Esperando al lunes, y a mi pedido de un par de pies nuevos.

16 de enero de 2009

Veni, vidi, video # 041 Pulp
Monday Morning

Why are there so many Mondays on song titles?

why live in the world when you can live in your head?
what are you going to be?

And who are you going to see?

And where, where will you go?

And how will you know,
You didn't get it all wrong?

Is this the light of a new day dawning?

A future bright that you can walk in?

Previously in VideoViernes: Monday Morning 5:19, Rialto

9 de enero de 2009

Veni, vidi, video # 040 Rialto
Monday Morning 5:19

Mondays clashing into Fridays...
In some cultures it is the day of the moon. Others just avoid its pagan origin, and call it plain first, or second day. It is often mentioned as the day of the beginning, or the day of misfortune…

...'cos if she's still not back then heaven knows...

And sometimes, it represents just the end.

Any similarity between the amount of published VV and my age is purely coincidental (Damn!! I should have played Donald's Vamos a la Playa).

Previously in VideoViernes: Blue Monday, New Order.

2 de enero de 2009

Veni, vidi, video # 039 New Order
Blue Monday

Cada vez que haya que empezar el día, la semana, el mes, el año, el siglo… que no falte Blue Monday.  

Tell me how do I feel
Tell me now how should I feel

Remedio santo contra resacas, tristezas, fiacas, soledades, malos humores, PMS, melancolías y alfileres de lluvia fría de invierno.

Feliz año NUEVE...